Before and After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Before and After Tummy Tuck Surgery


Tummy Tuck surgery is a serious process. Tummy Tuck surgery involves removing unwanted excess fat around the abdomen and waist. Then, the abdominal area is tightened, and the muscles are reinforced. This procedure is not obesity surgery and is not performed for weight loss purposes.

As with any surgery, you will need to undergo some health checks before the procedure. Your doctor will advise you on the points you need to be aware of before the surgery. For example, if you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least 15 days before the scheduled surgery date. It is recommended that you avoid excessive exposure to sunlight before the surgery. You should avoid aspirin and vitamin E, as these medications thin the blood, and they are not recommended before any surgery. Additionally, extreme diets are also not recommended before surgery. During this period, healthy eating is encouraged. If you have a cold or any illness on the day of the surgery, the procedure may be postponed until after your recovery. Before the surgery, lines for the incisions will be drawn on your body for the surgical planning. Photos will be taken from several angles so you can see both before and after the procedure. So, what should you expect after the surgery? After surgery, you will need to lie in the position referred to as the “V” position. In this position, you will lie on your back with your feet raised. This will help relieve the tension in the surgical area. You should regularly move your legs after the surgery. You will need to wear a compression garment that squeezes the abdominal area. This garment will help prevent excessive swelling in the abdomen. You should avoid eating or drinking for the first few hours after the surgery. It is expected that you will experience some pain in your body after the surgery. This can be alleviated with simple painkillers. Just like before the surgery, it is important to refrain from smoking for at least 15 days after the surgery. If you want your stitches to heal quickly, you should avoid smoking. The surgical scar will be red and firm for the first 4 months. It may itch. Do not be alarmed by this. After the fourth month, it will heal and gradually fade, and its firmness will break.

Life after tummy tuck surgery will be much more confident and much fitter. Do not neglect your doctor’s recommendations!

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